This Stainless Steel constructed four head linear weigher is perfect for higher speed free flowing products such as coffee beans, ground coffee, spices, powders, granulated products, confectionery, dried fruit, grated cheese, etc.
Depending on weigh volume and product, speeds of up to 30 dumps per minute are possible, with good accuracy – but this is always best tested by our technicians to confirm ‘real’ production speeds by product.
Perfect for pre-made bags, pouches or containers. Pair with one of our Band-sealers and inkjet date coders to seal the pouches or bags, and real time batch code, for a manual solution, or add one of our VFFS machines, for the complete automated solution.
Our range of Linear Weighers offer versatility, reliability, and speed. They are also very easy to setup and run.
They can be used as a completely automatic system when integrated and interfaced with a feed-system and packing machine, and they can also be used as a manual system via foot-pedal or push-button operation whilst located on a frame allowing the operator to manually offer pre-made bags, pouches, pots, trays and other types of packaging for the weigher to fill.
We offer a variety of sizes offering target weights from 5 grams up to 15 kilograms per lane.
This particular model has four lanes that run independently with a joint rear hopper and a single out-feed.
This machine can used to mix four separate products by making a slight amendment to the rear hopper or it can run the same product at different weights over each lane.
Each lane can be operated completely independently offering maximum flexibility.
PLC easy to use touch-screen interface with storage space to store up to 10 preset recipes.
Simple calibration feature allowing for re-calibration of the load cells at any time and they will also regularly re-zero the load-cells during operation to ensure reliable weights and accuracy.
Our weighers also have a useful draining feature that helps drain excess product from the machine at the end of the product run.
Designed so that all of the main contact surfaces dismantle and separate for ease of cleaning and hygiene. Just lift each piece off, wash, and drop them back on ready to run again.